OK, it just HAD to happen. I mean, if something becomes part of your life, no wait, becomes FULLY your life for five days, you just have to crap about it on this otherwise useless piece of webspace. Jeez man, visit any IITians blogsite and it's all Saarang, Saarang, Saarang! I've always been the rebel (I AM, really. See, I got 486 in my boards and got into this institution and am generally following the 'optimum path'... how rebellious is THAT!) and decided I'll NOT write about Saarang. And so now I'm writing about NOT writing about Saarang. And hence I'm writing about Saarang anyway. Man! Nothing ever goes the way I want it to!
Everyone knows Saarang by Day. But hey, I'm the man who slept at 5:30 on two nights and didn't sleep at all one night! I caught the sunrise of 29th January, 2006, folks, and it's NOT because I woke up early! So anyway, not sleeping and not eating and drinking loads of soft drinks and then not sleeping again can put your system slightly out of sync. As in you'll feel like vomiting all the time, but there's nothing in your stomach, so you can't vomit. And your stomach has this constant pain, but you don't know why, because as has already been established, there's nothing in your stomach. Wait... Except for the gas from all the soft drinks. Oh! So THAT'S it??? OK, NOW I know...
Not sleeping is this wonderful thing. You can feel very drunk when you don't sleep, and I got 5 people concluding independently that I was drunk on one of the days when I was actually just lacking some 30 hours of sleep. But yeah, that's the closest I can ever get to being high, being the 'rebel' I am. Another thing about sleeplessness is that you fall asleep in a micro-second when you hit the bed next time. It's a bleeding painful thing, to be in bed and not get sleep. That's when you start reviewing your life or current situation or the day ahead and you feel very down. On the other hand, lose some sleep and you can feel high for that time and also sleep off instantly without getting into angsty reviews of your hopeless life.
ALSO, you can walk around zombie-like all day with your head down and your mind switched off. THAT is a very helpful thing, especially at Saarang. It helps you to forget about the title of this post and walk above all the mindless flirtations of all the lowly mortals who strive incessantly to grab the attention of the fairer sex. In other words, it lets you forget that you are this give-up guy who can't get a girl all his life. So might as well do the "these grapes are sour" thing instead of accepting the inevitable.
Last, but not the very least, We, The Newsletter Team of Saarang 2006, are very happy that The Hindu noticed our very dedicated work towards improving the general excitement level at Saarang and decided to honour us by putting us on Page 2 of their daily publication (THAT or because they WERE the Newsletter Sponsors and we religiously mentioned that in every issue!). We also realise why they have people who do day-shifts and people who do night-shifts. We'd also like to tell them that there are a few things the Newsletter Team created in their long nights of mostly sitting around before eventualy beginning work at around 4...
The Newsletter Anthem :"Eef you come today..." (Rajkumar and Band)
The Newsletter Addition to Lingo: Khunntrrie Maxxx
The Newsletter Revelation :There actually IS a band called Repertoire Dogs!
The Quote that didn't come up : During WM, one of the participants goes, "this is my own composition by me..."
Goodbye Saarang... Hello boring old life.
first we heard it as ..this is an own composition of yanni.....but spanks told me that he actually said my own comp by me.....
Enna 'dog'??? oh, you meant the repertoire one? ;)
pink dog then...
high feelinga....i know that feeling...awesome...absolutely...i want to be like that all the time da...its unfortunate that other people donot understand it!
I protest! This is bad publicity! YOU laid around near-comatose and started work at 4, you lazy bum! I was working all the time!
YEAH RIGHT! EEF at all you were doing something ALL the time, you KNOW what it was! And anyway, now 'it's too late' ;)
Hey Anand,
Yeah, it IS kinda weird calling... yourself!!! How bout this for timing! I just posted a comment adressed to you on Manasi's blog!!! nothing serious, but the timing is freaky!
Ducky my boy!
Are you still aspiring to be the editor for the newsletter next year or have you finally seen the light?! Tis a pity I never unleashed my bad puns on all those poor unsuspecting souls in the darn thingy...
First time here. Will keep visiting...
Dodo Man,
Yeah ,BY GOD, I've seen the light!!! or rather, NOT seen it, cos of all the night-outs! (See, YOU'RE not the only one who held back the bad puns ;) )
You have a blog no? I remember one...
Go Ed!I know how i'm getting into next years newletter! Put matrimonial column in next year's! What say ducky??
i see tha it sounds kinda despo, so its better of coming from 'anonymous'. ;)
ducky dear, This shifting is not new to newsletter teams. The problem is only for those who figure in both shifts. I use to, once upon a time.
incidentally nice post doc.
You're STILL SINGLE...?! Gawd..!
anyways, didn't know that newsletter had all niteouts in 'em..
John Denver rocks!
...Oops.. wrong blog...:-)
While it is very intelligent of you to have a findoutducky.blogspot.com which does not exist, there REALLY isn't enough for me to 'find out' from "John Denver rocks, oops, Wrong Blog :)". So....
Or did you get a typo on ASPEN as APSEN???! ;)
I am deeply offended that there has been no mention of me on this post. Pffft. Who gave you company throughout Saarang? Huh? I demand recompense.
Oopsy.. Typo..!
See, I DIDN'T want to write about Saarang, THAT'S the point of the post... so CLEARLY I can't put you in it!!! You are DUMB :)
See, I figured it was ASPEN at least... and youranswerliesinorkut is about as helpful as findoutducky...
actually, u will find ur answer, if u ORKUT as much as I DO!!!
well, I DON'T Orkut as much as you do, and that statement could be untrue cos I don't know how much YOU orkut and that's cos I don't know YOU... and so we keep going back and forth like this with your verycleverstatements.blogspot.com
Interesting comment Manasi. Hmmmm.... ;)
I don't care. I demand to be mentioned. Saarang or no Saarang.
And Anirudh. I thought we were done with that train of thought. Or do you want yet another one of our enlightening conversations? :-)
Honey!!!!.. :-)
I dunno... You WANNA have another one of those conversations?? :|
And how can you even figure out WHAT i meant by that?? So i find it interesting. SO WHAT??
Anyway, if theres article, i'm OB'LY going to be in it. He's my wingman. Anand 'breaks the ice' with a joke, then i 'swoop in' with an interesting fact or anecdote. ;)
You've ever tried this...??
damn i only got till 5 (am).
Yeah man... sleeplessness is nearly a habit now... as is sleeping in the morning :)
I'm removing anonymous comments... it's TOO easy to post as someone else with anon comments on!!! So, get yourself a blogger ID if you wanna comment :)
Why why why?? Why no anon comments?? What abt freedom of expression and all that crap!
Whatever. Not like I put anon comments anyway. :|
Have i tried what? The wingman thing? If i had, you'd probably remember it dude, since it specifically mentions you.
And don't tell me you STILL don't remember the episode?? Aaaargh! Manasi, do you recognize the lines in my last comment?
As a matter of fact, i did try the 1-2 thing this weekend in B'lore. But no 'swooping in' or anything. Just hi, bye, see ya later kinda thing. :)
See, THAT'S why I removed anon comments... I did not put up the "have you tried this..?" comment at all!!! It was one mother(read GOBAZ!) who thought he was very clever and put MY name and profile page in the "your webpage" space for anon comments...
SOB! nice idea, but totally outrageous! So ok, no anon. I'll live. ;)
He he...!
Of COURSE I recognised the lines. How Friends-illiterate do you think I am. I actually thought Anand would have recognised the lines too. Oh well. I guess we just gave the lad too much credit, eh? :-)
What the hell. There's still been no mention of me. Pffft. Especially after I helped you crack the code and figure out who's been messing with your blog. I protest.
Sorry, sorry. My standard of measurement for the 'friends' thing has always been Anand, until now that is! You have been promoted to chief-friends-dialogue-recognizer. Congratulations! When's the treat?? ;)
What 'messing with the blog'?? Only the 'anand' comments right? Or the anonymous ones?
And now that i think about it, I'm no longer talking to Manasi! Not after that dirty trick she pulled on me with the sms's while i was alone and helpless in a strange city! :|
While i will not sink so low as to humiliate you by not attending your treat(for the promotion, ie), don't expect me to be my usual loquacious self! :|
I will probably down the champagne and keep going! ;)
I have always been the best Friends-line-recogniser among us. Even Anand knew that! If you've never deigned to talk to me long enough to figure that out, it's your fault!
Anyway... I'll wait for your treat. I'm not the one raking in the green wads in a strange city. Besides, I DID message you. If you couldn't figure out that was me, then words fail me. Do you honestly think that Anand would have said all that? Besides, he and I WERE busy that day. :-)
Yes, I KNOW! P.S Senior secondary school and Coffee Day!
Anyway, thats besides the point!
Oh, I'VE never deigned to speak to you??!! I'm not the BUSY one, YOU are! And when you're not BUSY with work, you're BUSY with someone else! :| ;) (Can i say that? Is it subtle enough?)
I'll consider your position in the Friends-line-recogniser's guild....
Verdict to be given in 6-8 weeks! ;)
OK PEOPLE, that should be enough... Time to stop squabbling like kids who's birthdays vary by a day ;). Let's move on to more important things. So yes, Anirudh, where exactly did you say you'll treat us? I mean, either Sheraton will do, but just checking...
!@#$%&*!!!! Thats for your Sheraton!!
And please specify which of the kids is the pesky younger one next time!
Oh pipe down, Anand. This is the first time your comment count is this high, and you know it.
His adrenaline count too!
Tees wogay da...CHILL!.. Next yr u can go to IIMB and putits the cash...!
Still single after the 5 hour record thingy?
I dont believe it.
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