Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Zen and... Part II

Ok, I'm really sorry... there WAS supposed to be NO sequel to the previous post, WHICH itself was not supposed to be there! It's just that I am working on this "Project" and it's been dragging on and on, what with Shaastra and all (I practically spend ALL my waking moments on the comp... and on one day, the sleeping ones as well!). So these are just filler posts.

But actually, I DO want to tell this... Anirudh obviously won't be impressed, but it was MY first time and it was exhilarating. I took my car out on the ECR, East Coast Road for the uninitiated. This road with straight stretches, not many potholes or bumps and comparitively less traffic (again, for the uninitiated).

I simply love straight shoots. For what is a car worth if you can't shift into the highest gear 10 seconds after you've got moving and then floor the accelerator? This is what the ECR allows you to do. First, Second, Third gears vanish in a blur and you're into Fourth with the Engine purring contentedly as it saddles up for a flat-out run. And I must say, I got as near flat out as I could hope for in an urban environment.

Basically, (Basically, every sentence begins with a Basically) I found out one more thing about my car under these "test" conditions. I saw that I distinctly missed the fifth gear, or Overdrive as it is called. To say that my car was struggling at the speed I just managed to reach would be an understatement. I guess I couldn't have pushed further even if I had wanted to.

So how much DID I reach? This is where the anti-climax takes place. I just managed to raise my bar ever so slightly... Yep, Car Land Speed Record is now at 85kmph.

I guess you are all thinking that maybe I should delete this post...

Maybe I should...


Anonymous said...

BrightCove Ready To Launch Early Next Year
BrightCove Ready To Launch Early Next Year; Hybrid Service : Some major NYT love for BrightCove , the online video startup founded by Jeremy Allaire...two stories on it in a day, which is kinda odd and unusual.
If you want to check out something really cool, please visit
my site: ##MUSIC DOWNLOAD##

Manasi Subramaniam said...

I feel somewhat left out... I'm not selling anything. Er... you want to buy a series of extensive Lit notes? :-)

SpankMac said...

hmmm.. so a new record? just you wait.. come december, i'll reach that!
actually, there's a bit of a problem. too many contrustions of flyovers or underpasses going on in blore to find any proper stretch of road.. there used to be one, while going to school. you could go 80 - 90 there. but it's all gone due to underpass. (my dad had reached the speed, i didn't know driving then :)

Anonymous said...

Remember that driving cars on these roads is not a sport.


Ducky said...

MY GOD, I'M SPAMMED!!!! Yeah ok, I'll take Chaucer and Maugham, maybe some Chekov... ;)

He he, I knew you would say something along those lines, Manjunna ;). Don't worry, I'll be at my carefulest!

AG said...

K, I thot u did one with the kinetic on ECR ?? Why dint that find a place here??...

Shazz said...

You did 85 with your Kinetic! No way!

Hate to gloat (not really:)
but with overdrive the top speed i reached was 110kmph. It would have been more if i hadn't been hampered by my dad who has this bad habit of putting his foot down on matters relating to his car! The funny thing is that he said,"You can speed up as long as you're confident of handling it."

Unfortunately at that point(110kmph) our views on my beliefs clashed. :(

You'll soon be ahead i suspect seeing as you get to take your car out rather more often than i do. ;)

I can see you loved the experience (who wouldn't). Being shoved back into your seat because of the acceleration, the G forces dragging at your body and the ground slipping by in a blur. You might even say its better than sex. (Notice i say You. I'd never say it.)

Ducky said...

Yeah, I JUST might say it... In fact, I WILL ;) What crap on Kinetic? Gobaz olarifying... I've written it's on car only da, read the BLOG, not Gobaz's comments!

CB said...

Hey..I want u to see my latest post and comment on it da..please..for my sake..!

Ducky said...

Hey Karthik,
Mine is Maruti 800... that's why the lack of overdrive. Swift??? He he, I'm NOT an auto-journalist yet, to get random cars whenever I want ;). If anyone I know has it AND trusts me with it, I'll get to drive one.
Oh, and Dharik has his cricket practice which takes quite a chunk of his time. For me, all I have are a car, an inviting stretch of road and a blog to write about it in.(There, I backed your bro :)) Nyway, till next...

Suze said...

neat blog :)

reminiscing about ecr and such.. ahh i miss chennai..

and you did 85 on an 800? not bad for a car thats bound to be a lil old.

used to drive on ecr in a city.. 110 with the windows down and stereo blasting.. bliss :)

Ducky said...

Hello Suze... whoever you are. If you could reveal a secret about yourself (read, MAKE YOUR PROFILE PUBLIC!), I could reveal a secret of my own, along the lines of "Zen and... Prt III" ;)

Suze said...

didn't realise it wasn't public..
now it is :))

Ducky said...

Hey Suze (He he, sound like Hey Jude-Beatles!). Ok, true to my word, I'll reveal one more thing. I DID 110kmph on the Maruti itself, ECR again... around one week after! Hazarding a guess, but you in IIM-A? And were in Chennai before?

Suze said...

ah okay
wear a belt! and drive safely! (sorry.. my 22 year old self kicking in again.. )

guilty as charged @ chennai to iima etc..

i guess u know my sis :-)

- lucy in the sky with diamonds

Ducky said...

Yeah well IIMA I got from your Location:Ahmedabad, Occupation:Student in your profile. I STILL didn't have a clue as to if and why I knew you :) But your last line in the comment helped. So yeah, basically, I'm clear now :)
-Hello Goodbye :)

Suze said...

- eight days a week

Ducky said...

I DIDN'T know that was a Beatles song... My Beatles knowledge ends here, wanna take me up on Metallica? ;)

Suze said...

k.. who is the person who hums on memory remains?

and metallica rocks.. literally obviously..

Ducky said...

Marianne Faithfull. (Thanks, had to Find it though, didn't know it;)). At this rate, my blog'll become a quiz forum or something... I'll find ya on Orkut and/or mail you...